速報APP / 健康塑身 / ADigital Health Guide

ADigital Health Guide





版本需求:Android 5.0 以上版本




ADigital Health Guide(圖1)-速報App

A4M’s Digital Health Guide connects you with your wellness provider's wellness plan in real time. Receive daily meal planning, exercise guidance, lifestyle modification support and motivation.

What you get:

For users with an A4M Digital Health Guide account / requires a provider:

* Wellness Plans Selected For You

* Your plan details delivered daily from your provider

ADigital Health Guide(圖2)-速報App

* Meal plans, grocery lists and recipes

* Calorie counter

* Meal by meal and daily nutritional summary with calories and macronutrient breakdowns and graphs

* Nutritional summary with calories and macronutrient breakdowns and graphs for each food

* Easily store favorite foods and meals

ADigital Health Guide(圖3)-速報App

* A detailed exercise program

* Exercise videos and photo examples and descriptions

* Daily affirmations, uplifting support and motivation

* Activity tracker

* Photo journal

ADigital Health Guide(圖4)-速報App

* Bar Code Food Scanner

* Private journal to keep track of your progress, ideas

* Real-time sharing of your food, exercise, body and personal journals with your provider

* Direct private messaging with your provider

* Push notifications for private messaging

ADigital Health Guide(圖5)-速報App

* Track steps, water, sleep and custom activities

* Integration with Fitbit (requires activation from web account)

ADigital Health Guide(圖6)-速報App